God Possible

With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Breakfast and Baby Aspirin

Image from Google
When I was little, before the myriad of children’s medicine available now, we had Bayer baby aspirin, and I loved it. It came only in orange flavor, and getting one or two of those little orange nuggets was one of the good things about being sick. Staying out of school was another, unlike when you’re all grown up and have to go to work when you’re sick. The only good thing about that is possibly spreading your germs to a certain co-worker you don't like. When I worked for Mr. Big, I was tempted to go cough on his desk a time or two. But I digress.

As a kid when I was sick, Mom always gave me a little extra attention. That was the one time when I got the couch all to myself. Sick? Own the couch! My blanket and pillow and me, all tucked in, right in the middle of the house, so that every time Mom passed by she could “check” on me. The extra attention factor was nice because with five kids, it can feel like there’s not enough Mom to go around. My mom always seemed to be able to handle it, though.

Image from Google
Every morning throughout the school year, I would get up to a warm, home cooked breakfast, unless it was Friday. Sometimes, that was Pop Tart day.  I loved Pop Tarts, even more than baby aspirin, plus I didn’t have to be sick.  I hear it was different for my oldest sister.    Mom, with five little children, wasn’t always able to cook breakfast for Gina during her elementary years. (Mom had 5 kids in 6 years.)    I remember Mom saying some years ago that she felt Gina deserved a cooked breakfast through high school, which meant, of course, that I got it all through elementary school.

Image from Google

The bus picked us up right outside our house, but a few of the neighborhood kids had to walk a half a block or so in order the catch the bus. On the really cold mornings, Mom let a couple of sisters, Glenda and Debbie, come inside the house and wait with us for the bus.

It was a life time ago. My brother bought the house we were raised in, and he lives not so very far from me. Every now and then I run into Debbie, or another childhood friend, and the memories that flood in are pleasant like a warm, homemade breakfast on a cold day.

What made me take this trip down memory lane? 
Tums has sugar free, extra strength-750, 
orange crème flavored tablets, 
and they taste just like Bayer baby aspirin.

(This is a Friday Flashback post from Margaret's Musings)


  1. LOL...cute post. I don't remember taking baby aspirin though I remember seeing them, I think we took the adult aspirins, but Mom would cut them in half. Generally we stayed in our rooms if we were sick so the bugs didn't spread throughout the house. Only the last day you stayed home, to be home a full day temp free before going back to school did we do the couch potato thing.

    1. I guess we didn't care about the germs back then (and I am a certified germophobe now!) Those adult aspirin tasted terrible!! I didn't swallow, I chewed when I had to have those because we were out of baby aspirin (or maybe I got too old?)

  2. Now you've gone and made me miss my Momma! :) I'd practically forgotten those orange baby asperin. Like you mention, being sick was almost a treat: I got the couch all to myself ... fresh sheets beneath and on top ... and a soft rag covering the Vicks Vap-o Rub which coated my throat.

    1. My mom never used Vicks...and to hear others talk, I may have missed out on something good!

  3. I do remember those baby aspirin, interesting Tums has the same taste, will have to look for them. Wow with your mom, 5 children in 6 years! Neat you guys are so close in age, but I'm sure lots of "fun" times managing you all when you were younger :) I admire your mom for making the effort to have a cooked breakfast for her "chicks" every morning. You are so blessed (and I know you know this) to still have your mom with you :)


    1. Yes, Betty, I do know how blessed I am...and each passing day is just one more blessing to have both of my parents with me still...and still married to each other.

  4. You may have inspired a Mentholatum post from me,....

    1. And what a good blog it was, too! Here's a link to OB's post: OB's Corner

  5. I remember those baby aspirins too. But I thought they were terrible. Happy to have found your blog today as I drive through on the A to Z Road Trip. Even happier to see several of my friends above.

  6. My sister loved baby aspirin too...she tried to OD once on them cause she loved the flavor....I will have to tell her about Tums.

    1. She'll probably like those Tums..I do. I believe they taste a little better than the baby aspirin did!

  7. Great memories. I think I have to have tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches when I am sick.

    Thanks for visiting.


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