God Possible

With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

About Mule Day

Mule Day 2015

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Mule Day is a big thing in Columbia, Tennessee
There's a festival...or a fair...and a huge parade.
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The Grand Marshall is the Governor himself.
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Marching Military

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I'm guessing there were at least 1000 mules and horses.
The parade attracts over 100,000 people.
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Massive Beasts

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Magnificent, too.

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For an hour and a half they kept coming.
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Mini Mules.  I felt a little sorry for them,
but they didn't seem to be in any distress.

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Some of the animals are just beautiful!

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Maury County Courthouse

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The lady next to us knew this couple....
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I told her I'd post some pictures of them.


  1. There's a day dedicated to Mules? It's true that nothing is impossible! :)

  2. I've ridden a few mules, but I've always been a horse person. Still, it's nice to see a day dedicated to them with such a large turnout!

    Fulfilling Dreams

  3. Thanks for sharing your photos. A lovely summer day ... and mules!k What's not to like?

    Happy A to Z!

  4. So. When is Mule Day? We may just have to come down! :D

  5. Wow how fun :) Whoever thought they could have such a parade featuring mules :) I bet it was fun to see; nothing like a good parade!



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