God Possible

With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Stairs or Hills...they both leave me breathless!

There have been a few changes at work.  I am in a building where there’s no elevator (yet) and I worked on the second floor.   Every day, I climbed stairs to get to my office, and if I needed to go anywhere, or go to lunch, always the stairs!   When I found out we were moving to the basement, I was happy for several reasons, not least of which was the lack of stairs.


Now, there are ding-dang hills, and they are unavoidable!   No matter where I park (which is always a little hike in), or where I’m going...there they are!   I am about to decide the stairs are better!   However, it is the only exercise I get, so I’d best not complain.  Plus, I really do like my job. 

When I first came to work here, I was sure I’d lose weight with all the stairs and the trot in.  I think I managed to gain!   Not sure how that happened.

One negative thing about the basement…it’s where the vending machines are.   Once upon a time, I would have to maneuver two flights of stairs for a bag of chips or a candy bar, and it just wasn’t worth it.   Now, the machines are right around the corner from my door.   It’s also where the monthly birthday parties are.   It’s a lot easier to go back for seconds or thirds if you’re next door as opposed to a couple of flights of stairs.   By the end of the year, the parties should be on the first floor.

Of course, I can’t make the food behave; I need to work on my own gluttony, don’t I?   Ohhh, Greed!  Release me and leave me alone!


  1. Ugh! You are being tested, sister. :)

  2. Ugh... can my whole life be one long test!?

    "Of course, I can’t make the food behave; I need to work on my own gluttony..."
    I guess we go back to Deb's comment from yesterday, and just fall into His arms, asking for the grace to surrender absolutely.

    I remember reading one persons description about true inner change. How it's done in that secret place, the inner sanctuary. The Father does things we know not how... and I tend to think it's only afterward that we even SEE that He has been working.

    I can now see a couple of things He's worked into me over the years. But at the time all I felt was the rough breaking up of hard ground, being plowed, tilled, planted, watered. It didn't feel like a fun gardening hobby!

    Anyway, I pray He is working in our hearts, in that hidden place in some way I just don't get, to change us. I have to trust He is!! I know the things He's asked me to do while I wait... I try to obey. I guess later I'll find out what He's been up to, when one day I wake up and discover I've turned the corner and my hills are not all UPhill, but some are level or even, dare I hope, DOWNhill! :-)

  3. Don't bring any change for the vending machines or dollar bills (and I hope there's not a change machine by it). If so, don't bring any cash to work with you. It is hard to avoid parties, one plate rule and that imagine someone sneezed all over the food :)


  4. Just read Sean Anderson's post for today, and he wrote this: "In the darkness of relapse and regain, the hopeless emotions become very deceiving, convincing us that perhaps returning to a healthy weight isn't possible; isn't an option. But it is possible and it isn't hopeless..."

    Thought you'd like reading it: http://losingweighteveryday.blogspot.com/2014/07/july-10th-2014-go-at-your-own-pace.html#comment-form


What are your thoughts?