God Possible

With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Six Word Saturday: The Rebel Edition

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It’s been the kind of week that really does make me want to rebel.  Therefore…I’m posting more than six words.

My whole week seemed as if someone was giving me grief, whether I did anything wrong or not.   Every day was a new challenge of finding ways to not get irritated.  I lost a time or two.  Or three.

I made a little “Things I would have enjoyed saying, but didn’t.” list.  I’d like to say I didn’t say them because my attitude was in the right place, but the Good Lord knows that’s a lie.  I didn’t say them because I either didn’t have the chance, or knew it would eventually not be in my best interest.   After rereading the list, I felt posting it would be a negative way to start my weekend.  

Instead, I am going to take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy my weekend.    I hope you do the same.
For more Six Word Saturday posts (who may actually have only six words) visit Cate at Show My Face…though she doesn’t show her face. 


  1. Rebellious, eh? They always told me I was revolting.

  2. I can empathize; believe me. *sigh* Hug.

  3. I will! I will! That's what weekends are for :)
    I'm sitting in the conservatory with rain pounding down, but do I care? Not a bit!
    Happy weekend! Life's too short to grump.

  4. Well...I am glad that you mostly held your tongue! Ha! Now you have less to regret! Life is hard sometimes, but spouting off usually doesn't help things! (I know from personal experience!)
    I am glad you have decided to simply enjoy your weekend and let it all go! I am hoping that next week will be better for you...and that blessings will abound!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  5. excellent choice not to open your mouth and say things you will regret.

  6. As hard as it is to not say those things you are a much better person for it! You handled the situations with forethought of consequences in mind. On the occasion I do the same I tell myself they others would not learn anything from what I said so why even bother. Way to go on doing the right thing!

  7. Wise not to have said those things and instead just write them down; now shred the list and be rid of it and let's hope next week is a better one!



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