God Possible

With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Long Weekend in Pictures

Even though I did a lot of enjoying myself, Memorial Day is not just about mini-vacations, beach runs, and cookouts.   I do believe it is about family, because spending time with family is one of the best ways to honor those who are no longer with us, soldiers who gave their lives for our freedom.   That's what Memorial Day is about...to reflect on the great cost of freedom, great personal cost of those gone, and the people who loved them.   I hope your Memorial Weekend was peaceful.

Ole Boy and I took off on Friday and started our long
weekend with a day trip to Nashville, Tennessee. 

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We often go to Nashville by way of the Natchez Trace.
It takes a little longer, but you don't see scenery like this on the interstate.

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Cheekwood Botanical Garden Scenery
Cheekwood, Nashville, TN photo CheekwoodMansion_zps58f1a1eb.jpg
Cheekwood Mansion and Art Museum
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Spider on the Grounds!   Cheekwood must have
known the Ol' Brown Recluse was coming to visit.
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Big, Big Spider.   I'm really thankful they don't grown this big in reality.
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Cheekwood Dragonfly.   I love dragonflies
Cheekwood, Nashville, TN photo CheekwoodDragonfly_zps510cc5dd.jpg
The real ones are sure hard to photograph

Cheekwood, Nashville, TN photo CheekwoodMagnolia_zpsad439990.jpg
One of the largest Magnolia blooms I'd ever seen.

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Cheekwood Botanical Garden - Daisy
Cheekwood, Nashville, TN photo CheekwoodFlower1_zpse18ea978.jpg
Cheekwood Botanical Garden
Cheekwood, Nashville, TN photo CheekwoodGreenery_zpsc47f2a15.jpg
Cheekwood Woods

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In those woods lives the biggest bunny you ever saw....
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Not a bunny, after all.
On Saturday morning, we got up early and went to Lawrenceburg, Tennessee.
Thistle time....
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Thistle...hard to believe it's a weed, isn't it?
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Sunset at the Muscle Shoals Sailing Club, Saturday Night


  1. Beautiful pictures! I am so glad they don't have spiders that big indeed! I do like your thoughts about Memorial Day and families; so true to honor those that gave their lives for our freedom by spending time with those we love. It looks like you had a very nice weekend!


    1. It was a very nice weekend, but there was a moment when I had to admit I may be a little too old (or a little too out of shape) to pack so much into a weekend!

  2. When I was younger, I didn't really grasp the concept of Memorial Day. It was, in my mind, more like Veteran's Day--and the day our swimming pools opened.

    Now that i'm older...and the mother of sons...Memorial Day has a much more somber meaning. Sometimes, I have a hard time shaking the sorrow and enjoying the celebrations. Especially now, with so many young men coming home so badly damaged. They could be my sons...


    1. It's very sobering. The world is just full of strife, and if I think about it too long, I get a little depressed.

  3. Beautiful Pictures.

    Yes, so many people do not know what Memorial Day really means. I find it very disappointing.

    1. Yeah...too often it's just about the BBQ, an extra off day, or a mini vaycay to the beach.

  4. awesome...i live through your pictures

  5. Pretty pictures, nice post

  6. In all of our trips to Nashville I've never heard of Cheekwood. Will definitely have to check it out. Thanks for the preview!

    1. Get on the trace, get off at HWY 100, eat at the Loveless Cafe...and it's not too far from the cafe....well worth seeing.


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