God Possible

With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Examine Those eXes!

To no one's real surprise, I am sure, I’m taking liberty with the X…I assume no one wants to read anything I would have to say about X-rays, xylophones, or xylem.   (By the way, if you use xylem in a Scrabble board game, you may get challenged…and win!  How fun is that!)

Examine This:
What’s up with businesses now asking if you want a receipt when you use your debit card?   If you don’t get a receipt when you use a debit/credit card, you may want to eXamine your finances.  Somebody may be ripping you off!   It really does happen. 

If your child has just yelled, "maMA!" for the 47th time in an otherwise quiet restaurant and you still have not answered  her, you may want to eXamine your hearing.

If you walk around offended at just about everything people around you say, you may want to eXamine your shoulder.   There is most likely a chip on it.

If everyone is “always mean to you," and your coworkers “never treat you nice,” you may want to eXamine yourself.  The problem might be with YOU.

If your boyfriend treats you with disrespect, you may want to eXamine that relationship and make a quick eXit.  If you marry him, it will get worse, and you will not like it, no matter how much you think you love him!  It will often lead to abuse.  Take it from someone who knows.

Can you find the eXes?
each photo has an X

 photo 167_zps141d425c.jpg
Rock Springs Nature Trail (Natchez Trace Parkway)
2014 X 7 Heron Orlando photo 20100516_210_zps5346382b.jpg
Heron (Orlando, Florida)
2014 X 8 Flower photo 20101118_10_zpsbb16de56.jpg
2014 X 9 Orchids photo 20110320_107-2_zps93eaef1e.jpg
Orchids (Nashville, TN)

2014 X 1 Cardinal photo 20100213_12_zpse02ee451.jpg
Cardinal (My back yard.)
2014 X 3 Sea Gulls photo 20100213_94_zps2ebe1f32.jpg
Gulls in Deibert Park (Florence, AL)
2014 X 5 Vane and Gulls photo 20100213_110_zps2607ef6c.jpg
Gulls and Weather Vane, Deibert Park (Florence, AL)


  1. I did find all the X's in the pictures! Very cleverly done X post; I thought of Jeff Foxworthy for some reason while I was reading some of them. Two more letters :)


  2. You are so very clever! You have done so well with this A-Z posting exercise. And your pictures are wonderful!

  3. Nice work - especially with the pics. I was impressed by the subtlety of the first gull picture.


What are your thoughts?